Setting for Qlibxlsxwriter

Settings for Linux

Settings for MingW with Qt5

Settings for MSYS2 with Qt5

Settings for Visual Studio 2017 with Qt5

  1. ‘Qt VS Tools’ / ‘Open Qt Project File (*.pro)’

  2. Save *.sln and *.vcxproj

  3. ‘Tools’ / ‘NuGet Package Manager’ / ‘Package Manager Console’

  4. Type ‘Install-Package zlib-msvc-x64 -Version’ in ‘Package Manager Console’. (INSTALL ZLIB-DEV)

    • See for more information.

    • :boom: If follwing Error Message is found, you must install zlib-dev for Visual Studio.

      • ‘Cannot open include file: ‘zlib.h’: No such file or directory’
  5. Build project